Somewhere earlier in this blog, I wrote about 12 Weeks being agony and often this makes me think what was happening before. Life has never been so good. Hang on, stick with me. You won’t need a sick bucket for this bit. It is just not so manic now. ‘Manic’ is a word used out […]
What Do You Wish Other People Knew About #Trello?
The best part about Trello is how it is a blank canvas and you can do what you want, it took us a while to appreciate that, so with this post and the workshops we run in our coworking space we are out to help people “find their Trello voice.”
Failure + Time. The Inches Are All Around Us
It is scary the inches between thought and action. I mean it has never been a strong point for me but now I have fine tuned how I track things and I am it scares me how often things just miss the ship point. I often talk about how nice the 48 people were who […]
Getting it all in.
As #Babybernie has grown up I have shouted “focus” at him when he was doing things like learning to eat with a fork for the first time or was holding onto the sofa to try and walk. This killer comedy line has come back to bite me in the arse. The arse bite happened at […]
Birthday Blog – Hi, Great To Be Back!
Usually I hide when it is my birthday and don’t tell anyone. Last year I hid under the big tree in our friends garden in a little village in Poland. I am motivated to write this because the journey from that tree to my birthday this year has been important. (Well important for me anyway). […]
Am I Unemployable?
I thought I was doomed, weird and broken, now I know there are others like me We are the unemployable. There are a lot of us around, and most of us have read the Cluetrain Manifesto. It’s our guide. . I was playing golf with podcasting legend Neville Hobson a few years ago and he […]
90 Days of Massive Action #01
I think I am finally there. While we were up on a mountain in Italy for the OuiShare summit a lot of things came together for me. At one point I was chatting and said I am not sure why I came, even more so, I brought #babybernie too and he did not know why […]
What is Bernie’s Superpower? Answer here and save the world…..
Now I would not normally ask this….. but…. “What am I good at and how does it add value to you?” You can answer here (2 mins max!) Fear not this is not some wanky ploy where I will attempt to design a product and attempt sell it back to you in two weeks. Nor am […]
“Be the change you want to see”
My big screen on my desk at 90 Main Yard has a cute picture – “Be the change you want to see” – I would like not to be an arsehole – but I am. I’d like to see a world with fewer arseholes in it. For those of you near me I am working on […]
Educate, Entertain and Inspire…. #LLBS
I am so knee deep editing blog and podcast content that today’s #LLBS update is running behind. I was thinking about the things that have inspired me and what the point of the whole shebang is, Bill Hicks has always made me think and there are more links to people below. This is what popped […]
Seven Groovy Things That Make @90Mainyard my #coworking home
I have been living at 90Mainyard for well over two years now. I found my bubble of coworking bliss via Alex Butlers Kindred HQ Meet Up and have never looked back. The peace and quiet of this place played a significant roll in me scrabbling out of depression and into embracing podcasting and blogging with […]
So I have been getting a bit of flack from people about my no-email post from earlier in the week. I want to explain my position in a little more detail. Tools I work with other people with are: loomio – for open collaborative decision making. Around forty of us make decisions in an open […]
Working out loud Part 6. Doubling Down On Podcasting
So Bernie where is your head for this week? 1. Blogging and Podcasting I have decided to double down even harder on ONLY podcasting – to stop fiddling around with all the other ‘stuff’ like breathing, eating and my family. It seems to me I spend more time thinking about my blog than I do […]
That is it for email!
I have stopped email on my phone. Aren’t I cool? No, really let me explain. I have been trying to pluck up the balls to stop using and relying on email for years. Of course it is a great tool etc. etc. But I just can’t resist checking it every five minutes and also sharing […]
The Dark Art of Toy Hacking – #Sharingeconomy
I have recently been exposed to the dark art of Toy Hacking by the dudes at Exploring Senses. I am very uncomfortable with the whole thing, yet I can’t wait to have them over for the next children’s birthday party I accidentally have to organise. The end product rocks, it is creative and full […]