“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” As you can imagine it took me ages to come up with that beginning. There are two things to share with you this week and one of them is an ask. […]
Bernie’s Newswire – How My Son Scared Me This Week
12 Week Agony = Good Agony Sometimes I feel like I am complaining about breaking a fingernail when I write like this. When you run or do something physical people can see your agony and see you getting there and you have something to show. People in my orbit like Simon, Judy and Chris who […]
How To Use Trello And 750 Words.com
Wow, do I feel dumb. For the last three years, I have been obediently logging into 750 Words every day to dump my head in there. It has changed the way I deal with life, sparked ideas and significantly increased the speed I write at. Best of all it has rewarded me with the type […]
Bernie’s Newswire – Where I Went Wrong This Week
You Can’t Build A Reputation On What You Are Going To Do – Henry Ford Ok, I am about to enter week seven of my 12 Week Year and the needle is certainly moving more and more each week. Think about it how many books and programs have you bought and ready that have actually given […]
The Big Avocado In The Room
Most interestingly this week has been one day of euphoria followed by one day of devastation. I am putting this rollercoaster week down to my ongoing battle with the old comfortable Bernie, the Bernie that secretly blamed every atom in the world for the crap he has to deal with. The Get Down I was […]
Lacerate Your Brain With Deep Work
Join Bernie’s ‘Sunday’ Email Community Here First thank you for the feedback on this weekly newsletter, as much as I hate email I secretly look forward to hearing what you are up to that you want to share it. #Blush I urge you to hit leave a comment and let me know what your goals […]
Rescue Time, takes a cigarette
I have really got into tracking my time in the last few months. It is out of frustration rather than amazingness needing to hand in time sheets. I don’t like trading time for money, it is dumb in this day and age and even dumber if you are a freelancer or indie worker, but that […]
Getting Back On The Horse
So here I am again about to cut my eye out with a spoon. Every day I get a little bit more behind and then a little sadder. Sorry, I’ll make this quick. I am not crying into my milkshake or anything like that, it is just a kick in the teeth, my teeth and […]
What Do You Wish Other People Knew About #Trello?
The best part about Trello is how it is a blank canvas and you can do what you want, it took us a while to appreciate that, so with this post and the workshops we run in our coworking space we are out to help people “find their Trello voice.”
I Am So Angry
I am so £ucking angry, except I am not. Let me rephrase that, I am aware of trigger points. No that is not what I mean either. So the above few lines are a bit like my head is sometimes and the impression I give to people, particularly the people who are closest and I […]
Falling Towards Poland – Part One
It was spring 2004 and yet again I was standing at a urinal in the Hamilton Hall in Liverpool Street Station in London pissing out another 10 rounds of shit beer with a chaser of vodka and Redbull. Everything was too much or not enough, I was more lost than a something in a something. The […]
World Of Bernie – FAQ’s
I got myself into a little bit of very constructive trouble this week. With two clicks on my phone, I was part of two blogging challenges. Day Two of the ProBlogger on is right a FAQ post. You can listen to Darren’s podcast instructions here. Being a Freelancer, a ‘hired gun, an independent economic agent […]
I’m Living On Process Street
Today? Already? Bloody hell this is tricky. But I have discovered something so groundbreaking it is going to be the making of my blogging career. I can share it right here, right now before anyone else in the World finds out – think of it as your exclusive reader first. Here it is: Having a […]
Take It To The Mat And Pull The Trigger
Sorry to keep you. So there I was dicking around about which pearl of my infinite wisdom to share with you today. Sorry to keep you. I had a lot on, like checking every blog about blogging on the planet to be sure I was doing it right. Then I had to check a page […]