Somewhere earlier in this blog, I wrote about 12 Weeks being agony and often this makes me think what was happening before. Life has never been so good. Hang on, stick with me. You won’t need a sick bucket for this bit. It is just not so manic now. ‘Manic’ is a word used out […]
Three Stories That Pissed Me Off This Week
A couple of the things that piss me off in the world are manipulation and outright greed. As you know I am a huge fan of tribes, communities and collaborations. Somewhere in a Stephen Covey book about ten years ago I read a line about about being interconnected and interdependent – it was what I […]
Get Your Shit Together Mitchell.
So reader I married him. Tweet me back if you know the book that line is from. (If you are in London, I’ll buy you a BulletProof coffee and you can ask me anything.) I can never decide where to start and that is the issue. I thought if I nicked someone else line it […]
Seven Groovy Things That Make @90Mainyard my #coworking home
I have been living at 90Mainyard for well over two years now. I found my bubble of coworking bliss via Alex Butlers Kindred HQ Meet Up and have never looked back. The peace and quiet of this place played a significant roll in me scrabbling out of depression and into embracing podcasting and blogging with […]
50 #sharingeconomy coffees in London
This is the formula I have been looking for. I want to put my balls on the line in a decent way. I am no longer feeling depressed and crushed I have suddenly become a balanced and realistic human being. The last few years of depression have taught me when to say no, when to […]
Why blogs beat podcasts….
I had to stop listening to podcasts. Every time listened to one I would copy something said into my own podcast. I craved to be part of the podcasting gang. “I listened to your episode”was what I thought podcasters would expect me so say. This meant I listened to every episode just in case they […]
“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come to the OuiShare London Summit and change the world?”
“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come to the OuiShare London Summit and change the world?” I’d like to be cooooooler but I am over the moon about the OuiShare London Summit next week in, er, London. There are over 100 people coming […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #28
Near my beloved 90 Mainyard there is the GIGANTIC swimming pool that was left there when the 2012 Olympic Games moved on. As well as walking past it a lot thinking ‘now I have joined I really must go in there’, #Babybernie has a swimming lesson in there every Thursday. We do it on this day […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #23
Ok so this is your next post and you have already started. What is going on with you today and what do you want to share?. Really? I am so fucking chuffed that I just can’t stop writing and can do it so fast. So how about how far you have come and that you […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #19
It was 1997 and we were coming home from my birthday party we’d been to the cinema or a pub and it was late, very late to be out with Jenny and Anna. One of the things I liked about being with Jenny and Anna is that it was all moments, no gasping highs and […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #9
I am on my way home from the latest Food Assembly to launch in London. I jump on the 67 bus on Kingsland Road and jump off by the Golden Heart on Commercial Road by Spitafields Market. For me this is like time travel. In the past Kingsland Road was where we’d head for Vietmanise […]
Tottenham Court Road
Man alive! I have been thinking about this post for years and years and years. (I nearly wrote tears there by mistake). […]
#globalsharingday – Final Cut Pro – House of Commons with Marks and Spencer’s
Our HUGE day rounded off at the House of Commons with a deliciously informal speaker session. We all crammed into one room and were treated to insights from a rapid fire line up. This picture here shows Mike Barry being interviewed. Who is Mike Barry? He is the very active Head of Sustainability for Marks […]
Learning to share….
So there I was tweeting away and suddenly I’d fallen into building the sharing economy.Not single handedly of course – lots of faster, taller and smarter people with letters after their name started long before me. I was not looking for it, nor was I particularly mad about it. I joined Zip Car because I […]
#Coffee and TV
This near perfect cup of espresso caught my heart in the week. It is from the Algerian Coffee store in Soho London, we go there to buy our Argentine tea called maté and ALWAYS have to stop for a cheeky espresso!