Today? Already? Bloody hell this is tricky. But I have discovered something so groundbreaking it is going to be the making of my blogging career. I can share it right here, right now before anyone else in the World finds out – think of it as your exclusive reader first. Here it is: Having a […]
Take It To The Mat And Pull The Trigger
Sorry to keep you. So there I was dicking around about which pearl of my infinite wisdom to share with you today. Sorry to keep you. I had a lot on, like checking every blog about blogging on the planet to be sure I was doing it right. Then I had to check a page […]
Well This You Tube Video Is Little Bit Too Close To Home For Me…. #Hustle
Zoom Zoom Zoom We’re Going To The Moon…..
And we’re back in the room It only seems ten minutes since I was last here armed with a keyboard and a stream of not very much to say, I have got the bug again for blogging like demon and it came from a combination of things. 1. I have been posting my Instagram photos […]
Why I Don’t Blog Every Day
I just don’t know what to wear! So far I have walked around my room, made some breakfast, read ten things and then played about in a couple of other apps and now I am here. I have just got #Babybernie to superglue me to the table and here we go! Hell’s Teeth Batman All I […]
Why You Should Listen To Me About Productivity (Even Though I Am Crap At It)
Now is exactly the right time to post this blog. Which I thought was not the right time because there is a silly little part of me that wants to make you think I know what I am doing. Nil’s and I are working on a productivity e-book and the best insight into the e-book […]
Keep Going: Building Daily Habits & Scrum
Keep Going These days I am beyond the horror, drama, darkness of depression and I have dived fully into never getting there again. As a reader of this blog or my personal weekly email, you will have watched this unfold with both the joy and the crap. Habits and Comfort Zones My “deliberate practice” mega […]
For Me Community Is “All in”
I have been missing my blog. It went through this little phase where it became a shop front for our Trello course and that stopped me posting about my miserable little life. Except the stuff that people I care about also care about the little miserable musings I post, and these posts are the ones […]
I Got 99 Problems But Depression Ain’t One
Over the holidays we spent a week in Poland with our friends, I was sick for a day when we arrived and sick for a day when we got back. Something happened in Poland, I love that place and I love our friends there dearly. I am wondering if a Polish Priest did a quick […]
Bernie’s Three Best Coworking Things To Do In London Every Week
A longstanding super power of mine has been getting people together, I am pretty sure ‘networking’ is over or maybe the people I hang out with to assign more purpose to their time. Either way, I want to get people together and do something other than slam tequila and fend off business cards. Another factor […]
3 Very Simple Things That Helped Me Build Myself Up
"You become what you think about all the time" I first read this quote when I was 13. I was scared I was set to become a porn star who smoked Marlboro Red non-stop and ate Wham Bars. In the end, the what I was actually thinking all day about was how to read and […]
The One Page #Panamapapers (With No Vaseline)
How You Are “Getting £u<ked” By Your Banks & Government – With No Vaseline Below is a lightening round up of articles and videos on the Panama Papers – I have been reading non-stop for the last couple of days so I hope I can save you time! A reminder that HMRC actually rents its offices […]
90 Days of Massive Action #3
I have never ever ever ever ever tracked and reviewed what I do so deeply as I do now. Short post – I am making serious progress in my “days of massive action” quest. Longer Post It hurts when I miss something, fuck something up, feel shit, get low on energy, low on money, low […]
My Cheeky Landing Page Question Stunt
I thought it was just me? I am quite sure that I am the ONLY person in iTunes who has thought of asking the listener what they’d like to ask the guest. So here is where the idea came from. The best panel events I have run have been Q&A all the way. I always […]
90 Days of Massive Action #2 (Prequel)
Mandela was pacing the room, he was forced to walk in circles around the small conference table in the middle of the meeting room at 90 Mainyard. Ghandi was drawing on the white board in between a mind map the developers had left and the business canvas the musicians had left, to Mandela’s annoyance Ghandi […]