"You become what you think about all the time" I first read this quote when I was 13. I was scared I was set to become a porn star who smoked Marlboro Red non-stop and ate Wham Bars. In the end, the what I was actually thinking all day about was how to read and […]
Getting it all in.
As #Babybernie has grown up I have shouted “focus” at him when he was doing things like learning to eat with a fork for the first time or was holding onto the sofa to try and walk. This killer comedy line has come back to bite me in the arse. The arse bite happened at […]
It’s All About Me
So that did not work. Well it did. A bit. I am sitting here thinking that everything has added up to this point and I am glad. There are some cuts and bruises but everything is awesome and I am not even part of a team. WARNING: I am writing this at 100 miles an […]
What is Bernie’s Superpower? Answer here and save the world…..
Now I would not normally ask this….. but…. “What am I good at and how does it add value to you?” You can answer here (2 mins max!) Fear not this is not some wanky ploy where I will attempt to design a product and attempt sell it back to you in two weeks. Nor am […]
Do the work (slight return)
What is that Publicate thing? At least three people have asked me in the last few hours. Then last week as I hurriedly threw together my newsletter for the 20th time in Publicate,I thought I’d mention it, mainly as Chris, the founder, is a mate and also is launching the paid product after getting funding […]
Falling off the toilet.
This became funny when my mate Thom reminded me that Elvis had died on the toilet. I am never sure why toilets and dying are funny. They always make me smile and when used on direct conjunction with each other I laugh out loud. If that does not make you smile hopefully my “Iggy Pop” […]
Educate, Entertain and Inspire…. #LLBS
I am so knee deep editing blog and podcast content that today’s #LLBS update is running behind. I was thinking about the things that have inspired me and what the point of the whole shebang is, Bill Hicks has always made me think and there are more links to people below. This is what popped […]
Whenever I feel like writing I lie down until the feeling goes away…. (NOT!)
So I have been reading and reading and reading and reading and now I know too much. So I have to be killed. Well that is how it feels in my head. I have just whipped out my ipad to write this blog as a way of getting started writing today. All that is needed […]
Get Your Shit Together Mitchell.
So reader I married him. Tweet me back if you know the book that line is from. (If you are in London, I’ll buy you a BulletProof coffee and you can ask me anything.) I can never decide where to start and that is the issue. I thought if I nicked someone else line it […]
Am I Really a Successful Blogger?
This is going somewhere, please stick with me. So doing the working out loud thing is become more solid for me. Posting what ‘one’s blog’ is making is a daring way of making it work and offering something for people to follow and hopefully collaberate and chip in with advice and comments too. I am […]
Working out loud Part 6. Doubling Down On Podcasting
So Bernie where is your head for this week? 1. Blogging and Podcasting I have decided to double down even harder on ONLY podcasting – to stop fiddling around with all the other ‘stuff’ like breathing, eating and my family. It seems to me I spend more time thinking about my blog than I do […]
50 #sharingeconomy coffees in London
This is the formula I have been looking for. I want to put my balls on the line in a decent way. I am no longer feeling depressed and crushed I have suddenly become a balanced and realistic human being. The last few years of depression have taught me when to say no, when to […]
So where were we Dad?
I was thinking about blogging about how shit my day has been. Who would want to read that? You would so I’ll carry on. Getting a child out the house in the morning has got to be one of the hardest things in the world. Even if I put a pile of chocolate and Spiderman […]
My Bulletproof #LondonMarathon 2016
So I had to admit defeat when it came to training for the London Marathon and the race itself. Rather than walk around looking like a woman on the verge of nervous breakdown for the next six weeks I bit the bullet and admitted it was not to going happen this time. I called my […]