I have a few doughnuts on my plate and there was one I was looking at with enthusiasm. Then someone took the jam out of it. Well, of course, they didn’t. I did. I tried something and it did not work and I am a little pissed off. However, the reason I am pissed off […]
Death Camps and Doughnuts
Top Ten Intern Tips
What do you want Maria to leave with? Tomorrow the @90mainyard crew, #supercoolwife and #babybernie say goodbye to Maria, her next stop is Stockholm to hang with the Bassett Hounds and Jon Buscall to do some grown up work. It has been a joy introducing Maria to people here in London and Liverpool, we were […]
TAGtribe Video Blog – @MalcolmLevene on the #RoyalWedding
#TAGtribe Blog – A quick word on efficiency…
SME 2.0 the monthly TAGtribe member event “Marketing – all of this and nothing” – 6th April 2011 RSVP here
Late Show 2011 Blog – Are you soaring or boring? by @julie_hall #llbs
Last week, Bernie shared that he was tired of bland events about bland business issues with bland people selling bland global solutions. And I feel his pain. As we begin 2011 and the same old emails start hitting my inbox, I truly want to weep with boredom. Where is the interest, where is the new, […]
#TAGtribe Blog by @jamespoulter A New Years Thought – Lets Get Real!
2 things prompted this little thought, which in it’s self has turned into a new years resolution for me that may be one of the hardest to keep out there. It’s not got anything to do with quitting something, or starting up something new, but actually is about doing something that we need to overcome in […]
Late Show 2011 Blog – Lesson Learned? by @lucyjpayne #llbs
Lesson Learned? As you start reading this post you are probably thinking – “who is she?” and you’d be very right in thinking that. In all honesty, I am no-one special. I am Lucy Payne, I work in Social Media Marketing, I have lived in London for 5 Months, and I am speaking at January’s […]
“Showing up is 80% of how you Community-cate” #llbs
We say showing up is what counts these days, 17 zillion followers online? Great if you are Jay-Z, Barrack Obama (who) or Apple because that is appropriate to their relationship with their fans and customers. Our question is how do you communicate with your community? There is a very strong case to say that we […]
You two faced……..! Why is that a good idea?
This Week we are featuring a guest post from each of our Late Late Breakfast Show Speakers next up is Steve Trister! Why being “Two Faced” is brilliant! The art of being “Two Faced” in this instance does not take on the standard meaning of “speaking behind someone’s back”. In this case it’s about tapping into the many facets we […]