A couple of the things that piss me off in the world are manipulation and outright greed. As you know I am a huge fan of tribes, communities and collaborations. Somewhere in a Stephen Covey book about ten years ago I read a line about about being interconnected and interdependent – it was what I […]
Failure + Time. The Inches Are All Around Us
It is scary the inches between thought and action. I mean it has never been a strong point for me but now I have fine tuned how I track things and I am it scares me how often things just miss the ship point. I often talk about how nice the 48 people were who […]
90 Days of Massive Action #2 (Prequel)
Mandela was pacing the room, he was forced to walk in circles around the small conference table in the middle of the meeting room at 90 Mainyard. Ghandi was drawing on the white board in between a mind map the developers had left and the business canvas the musicians had left, to Mandela’s annoyance Ghandi […]
Getting it all in.
As #Babybernie has grown up I have shouted “focus” at him when he was doing things like learning to eat with a fork for the first time or was holding onto the sofa to try and walk. This killer comedy line has come back to bite me in the arse. The arse bite happened at […]
Birthday Blog – Hi, Great To Be Back!
Usually I hide when it is my birthday and don’t tell anyone. Last year I hid under the big tree in our friends garden in a little village in Poland. I am motivated to write this because the journey from that tree to my birthday this year has been important. (Well important for me anyway). […]
90 Days of Massive Action #01
I think I am finally there. While we were up on a mountain in Italy for the OuiShare summit a lot of things came together for me. At one point I was chatting and said I am not sure why I came, even more so, I brought #babybernie too and he did not know why […]
What is Bernie’s Superpower? Answer here and save the world…..
Now I would not normally ask this….. but…. “What am I good at and how does it add value to you?” You can answer here (2 mins max!) Fear not this is not some wanky ploy where I will attempt to design a product and attempt sell it back to you in two weeks. Nor am […]
Seven Groovy Things That Make @90Mainyard my #coworking home
I have been living at 90Mainyard for well over two years now. I found my bubble of coworking bliss via Alex Butlers Kindred HQ Meet Up and have never looked back. The peace and quiet of this place played a significant roll in me scrabbling out of depression and into embracing podcasting and blogging with […]
Hells Teeth! I should have told you this sooner…
One of the best-kept secrets to being connected is co-working, the next best-kept secret is your tribe. I have found getting out of your “space” to co-work is brilliant for both your productivity and your soul. This is whether you work for a big shiny corporate or are a freelancer like me. In their respective […]