At our weekly London Bloggers MeetUp, I keep getting asked how I write a blog post, and I never have an answer. I can’t bullshit my answer anymore. I realized that even after all this time I don’t have a system or process for writing a blog post. The same goes for building a podcast […]
OK, Let’s Get Going!
OK, Let’s get going! It is high time to reboot my weekly newsletter, I know you have not called to ask me where it is, but it works so well for keeping connected with you, I miss it. And You. I like the way you hit reply, ask me questions and, as much as I hate […]
What Happened When I Woke Up From My 30 Year Coma
My issue with Time. This time it is an even bigger issue. I seem to have lost 30 years of my life. In 2018, I was woken up after falling into a coma when I was 13. For the last six months, I have been entertaining this radical thought. There is a core part of […]
How I Beat Depression In 10 Easy Steps (That Only Took Five Years)
So to kick off, I have been on my way to writing this next Sunday post for something like six weeks. What got in the way? I stopped taking anti-depressants for the first time in five years, I felt fine but was waiting for some crash. I was a little concerned I’d write to you […]
Find Your Voice, My Plan For The Next 12 Months
In this post, I’m going to share with you the next 12 months of my podcast plan for my website, before I am even ready to go. Even just writing that hurts. The next 12 months are about “how to find your voice” something I have been procrastinating on for years. Leading with a “find […]
This Is The Ultimate Productivity Tip For You (And It’s Free)
Last week I shared about the one easy thing you can do to make you come alive, and this has been drilling my head all week. What Is The One Thing? The one thing is ‘stop complaining’. But it is more than that; it is ‘go on a no complaint diet’ an idea I picked […]
One Easy Thing You Can Do To Come Alive
I’ve always toyed with the idea of making a T-Shirt with the question ‘do you even know you are alive?’ But am less angry with the world these days. As I look at the mental health of the world and my mental health I am sure being mad at people is counter productive. For example, […]
Never Let Me Go
Summer 2oo2 I was sitting in a cafe bolted to the side of a mountain in Greece, I was looking into the darkness of the night sky. I turned to Roy and asked him what the secret of his many years of marriage was. He stirred his cappuccino and replied he got a strong […]
Now I Think I Know What I Am Doing
Somewhere earlier in this blog, I wrote about 12 Weeks being agony and often this makes me think what was happening before. Life has never been so good. Hang on, stick with me. You won’t need a sick bucket for this bit. It is just not so manic now. ‘Manic’ is a word used out […]
I’m scared it won’t be as good in real life as it’s in my head
All I ever wanted was a blog, well a website with a blog. I LOVE blogs and people who blog. I read daily and lap it up and I write daily and have often gone through stages of publishing something daily. Not a ‘publish daily’ daily blog, rather between projects running alongside each other. For […]
Let Go And Get Over It
Hello and welcome to this week’s theme ‘dumb things people say to you when you are depressed’. And a few suggestions on how to get over it. With the best intention people say ‘Why are you depressed?’ and ‘What you need to do is get over it.’ A mate of mine was in […]
This Year Something Was Different
I dread this time of year, I was bracing myself to plunge back into a God-forsaken pit of despair and depression and it never arrived.
Every day I have woken up and double checked I am in the right life, right family and right blog.
Simon Sinek, Your Phone And Deep Work
You would be right if you were thinking I leapt into the 12 Week Year with HUGE success goals, money goals and I-need-a-new-iPad-Pro goals. I ended up with less money than I started, but I carved a solid path out as a freelance writer and know what I need to do daily. Time spent […]
The End Of My First 12 Week Year
On Tuesday we start our Working Out Loud (WOL) group at our coworking space, it’s also the end of my first 12 Week Year. Oddly, I feel an imposter when I write about “productivity” part of me wants to tell you ‘I did the 12 Week Year now have a million dollar start-up and run […]
My Miracle Morning
I have been working on this ‘Miracle Morning‘ thing for ages and now I have it down to a fine art. I know the title sucks and sounds like a coked up TGI Friday’s waitress called Polly Anna but it works. Every day I wake up between 5am and 6am, more often 5am and before […]