Over the years, I’ve coded and managed 100s of web and mobile development projects. Most of them were delivered using Scrum or related agile methodologies. As a company, we’ve gradually settled on Trello as our de-facto project management tool. It’s not immediately obvious how you would use Trello for Scrum out of the box, so […]
#TAGtribe Member Blog – @CasualFilms play host to the #EastEndFilmFestival on Bank Holiday Monday #llbs
Remember when the East End was all jellied eels, chimney sweeps and regional stereotypes? Well no, you probably don’t, because the only time that’s been the case has been in musical theatre, namely Oliver and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Me Old Bamboo is truly legendary), and now the East End of London is the home […]
#TAGtribe Blog A social moment with @jamespoulter and Starbucks
If you have spent any time either here on my blog or with me in person you will know by now that I am a bit of a coffee fanatic. Being a self confessed caffeine junkie and working in social comms means that I am somewhat wedded to places like Starbucks to give me that fix on […]
#TAGtribe Blog IT out ‘sourcing’ the IN thing to do… by @craigcoutts
IT services for any sized business is core to the productivity of the company. If people are unable to use their computer applications efficiently; if email or network servers fail; or people don’t receive timely support, then ultimately the performance of the company suffers. Outsourcing is a popular choice for small and medium sized […]
#TAGtribe Blog – “You don’t wanna do that!” by @AnnHawkins
Experts are told to share their expertise, give it away freely, build a reputation and become the ‘go-to’ person for advice in their chosen field. And they do. There is a wealth of superb free advice on the Internet on practically every subject under the sun but for some reason the world of business seems […]
TAGtribe Blog by @remitaw The evolution of the PDA into the iPhone & Android devices…
The evolution of the PDA into the iPhone and Android devices is nothing short of miraculous – software developers have had a shot in the arm and are using all the connectivity they can to link location, times and dates, cameras, videos and much more to make life easier. And, my word, what amazing labour-saving […]
#TAGtribe Blog SME’s – victims of their own success by @lenarobinson
Over the years I’ve discovered SME’s who’ve become victims of their own success. They might’ve launched a ground breaking innovation, which has proved extremely popular; perhaps they’ve smashed their sales targets. They have been so successful that the business has reached breaking point. They’re awake at 3am worrying about how they’re going to keep all […]
#TAGtribe video blog @andybargery at his @TalkTalkTips Blogging Workshop – #smwldn
To Fix or Not To Fix – Soon Your Mortgage Decision Will Be Made For You by Ed Sayers
It’s been widely reported that inflation has increased to 3.7% (CPI). Along with the increasing pressure for the Bank of England to increase the base rate from 0.5% this should have the 7 million variable rate mortgage borrowers reviewing their mortgages. Swap rates, which underpin fixed rate mortgages, have started to rise and mortgage rates […]
#TAGtribe Blog – Germany and the Euro in 2011 by @mggruenert
Germany and the Euro Over the last two weeks, many people have been asking me about the general mood in Germany at the moment. Many are wondering how much longer Germany will be part of the Euro and willing to help out Greece, Ireland, Portugal and so on. In the past, countries responded always in the […]
#TAGtribe Blog “From Media to Mediums? Human insights & lead scoring” by @RedIdea_
From Media to Mediums? Human insights and lead scoring. Recently Marketo, the global leader in Revenue Performance Management published ‘the definitive guide to lead scoring'(link) a free comprehensive 50 pages guide to lead scoring techniques. Lead scoring is a method in which you assign points to each client prospect. The higher is a client score, […]
#tagtribe Blog – The Do’s and Don’ts When Looking at Gas and Electricity Contracts – by @ukenergybroker
Many businesses out there are paying twice what they should for their gas and electricity. It’s not a massive percentage, but I come across enough of them to know that it’s a fair few. Some of them have been with the same provider (usually British Gas) since they started the company in 19…. whenever, some of […]
Have you looked at the cost of your businesses? SME 2.0 Blog by @AdrianCorbett #tagtribe
As everyone knows, credit has been hard to come by for some time now, and we have noticed a definite decrease in the number of deals financed by any significant level of debt (e.g. company acquisitions, management buyouts, etc) in the last 18 months or so. We are not seeing any signs of recovery in […]
Cash is King – Carbon is Queen SME 2.0 Blog by @EEPaul #tagtribe
Earlier this year, I was asked to write a short piece for Construction Manager magazine about the top 10 technology trends in construction (see blog post). Several of the trends I wrote about will have a much wider influence that many people think, particularly given the importance of the construction industry to the economy as a […]
How to blog friends and Influence people – by Andy Bargery
I’m Blogging for Bernie, well TAGtribe. Bernie’s been asking me for weeks to write a post for the TAGTribe blog. In fact I’m sure he’s asked every member to write a post. The strange thing is that very few of us actually have, which is surprising given everyone I have met through TAG has been […]