If I wrote out all the amazing ideas, strategy and content in my head for this blog on napkins they’d surely make a pile big enough to cushion the landing of a small elephant from falling from space. Please don’t ask how an elephant got up there in the first place. Anyway, I digress. And […]
Falling towards Tigre….
This episode is brought to you from my favourite place on earth, no not the front row of a David Bowie concert, the jetty of our friends house in Tigre, just outside BA in Argentina. I am still trying to work out how we are lucky enough to have friends that decided to ditch their […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #29
Racing home to pick up #babybernie – I noticed the date today and was thinking how much has changed in the last 12 months. I have been ambling around listening to “Lola’s theme” by the Shapeshifters for nearly a decade (hells teeth – that long!) The key line for me is “I’m a different […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #23
Ok so this is your next post and you have already started. What is going on with you today and what do you want to share?. Really? I am so fucking chuffed that I just can’t stop writing and can do it so fast. So how about how far you have come and that you […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #21
It was 1997 or maybe even 1998 and I was wondering around Canary Wharf where I worked, I felt like a teenager and was certainly acting like one. I had just only just got over big relationship number two and little did I know I was heading for big relationship number three and a couple […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #20
So reader, what is going on here? A few of you, well two people have asked “Hey Bernie how is the blog challenge going?” Honestly some days it is a curse, a curse in the way that small children who are alive and full of energy are. You want them to be that way and […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #19
It was 1997 and we were coming home from my birthday party we’d been to the cinema or a pub and it was late, very late to be out with Jenny and Anna. One of the things I liked about being with Jenny and Anna is that it was all moments, no gasping highs and […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #15
It was all going so well and then it happened. I woke up and quickly wrote my 750words.com and then headed out for the day. I had therapy and then the dentist with the rest of the family and then went home. Honestly, I just could not face walking across the wind and rain swept […]
Just another 30 day blog challenge… #14
I am very sure that porn and inspirational quotes are what keep the internet going, we’d hate to admit it but what teenage boys thrive off is also what most of the human race with access to the internet seeks out. Every time I stick a few words over a picture it seems to propel […]