Usually I hide when it is my birthday and don’t tell anyone. Last year I hid under the big tree in our friends garden in a little village in Poland. I am motivated to write this because the journey from that tree to my birthday this year has been important. (Well important for me anyway). […]
Falling Towards Argentina #01
I was air drumming to INXS ‘Devil Inside’ very loudly and getting worried that my trousers would not make it through the day. The September sun was pouring in the window and I was really excited as I had just been invited to join this thing called “Gmail” – Oh and I was going to […]
Falling towards Tigre….
This episode is brought to you from my favourite place on earth, no not the front row of a David Bowie concert, the jetty of our friends house in Tigre, just outside BA in Argentina. I am still trying to work out how we are lucky enough to have friends that decided to ditch their […]
Going to see Seth
Suddenly it all seemed to fit into place. I’d been feeling very crap, lacking focus and felt overwhelmed all week, actually all month, maybe even all year. My head hurt, my body hurt and I just blurred out most days. I’d slipped into everything slightly being someone else’s fault, which even if it is someone else’s […]
#Babybernie sat up and yawned, shook himself, and thrilled with delight…..
#Babybernie sat up and yawned, shook himself, and thrilled with delight. This was seeing the world in real truth; this was life as he would have it – bustling and shouting, the buckling of belts, and beating of bullocks and creaking of wheels, cooking of food, and new sights at every turn of the approving […]
‘And yet it is every traveller’s conceit that no one will see what he has seen…….’
‘And yet it is every traveller’s conceit that no one will see what he has seen: his trip displaces the landscape and his version of events is all that matters. He is certainly kidding himself in this, but if he didn’t kid himself a little he would never go anywhere.’ Paul Theroux, The Kingdom by the […]
Falling towards Argentina #LBM
If I could drive anywhere in the world right now I’d drive to a book shop and pick up another copy of “In Patagonia” by Bruce Chatiwn then armed with my video camera I’d pop down to Argentina and follow in Chatwin’s footspteps. On the journey I would stop at each place Chatwin did and […]
Truly extraordinary speech by fearless West Indian woman in face of #Hackney rioters – #Londonriots
I was really moved by this lady and her honesty in the London Riots of August 2011
#findbritain – Truly extraordinary speech by fearless West Indian woman in face of #Hackney rioters – #Londonriots
Eating People #Video Blog “Coffee Steaks” @moogrill & @Unionroasted Meet Up
[vimeo w=480&h=300]
#findbritain – Middlesex Street City of London 10/11/2010
Google Ref
#findbritain Cape Bar London EX2V 7JQ
This is where you can escape for a quick drink after a hard day at your desk in the City of London. In the last 10 years a hybrid of pub merged with wannabe cocktail bar has emerged. 09/09/2010
#findbritain Crap Bank Advert on Platform at Liverpool Street Underground 14/09/2010
#findbritain London Bus – Baker Street – Kings Cross 02/10/2010
#FindBritain I found Britain in Argentina
#FindBritain – what got me into this when I married Super Cool Wife five years ago. People from Argentina are SO proud of their food – really it is just meat, red wine with the occasional bit of salad. When they asked what do you eat in the UK….. um… At the time I was […]