Over the holidays we spent a week in Poland with our friends, I was sick for a day when we arrived and sick for a day when we got back. Something happened in Poland, I love that place and I love our friends there dearly. I am wondering if a Polish Priest did a quick […]
Personal Scrum Quickstart Guide
Greetings, fellow humans! It is I, Emily Breder, returned after a long sabbatical from Bernie’s blog to give you the how-to you’ve been waiting for: how to take the most popular of Agile methods, Scrum, and apply it to your everyday work without a software development team, or even a software project. Bernie and I […]
Getting it all in.
As #Babybernie has grown up I have shouted “focus” at him when he was doing things like learning to eat with a fork for the first time or was holding onto the sofa to try and walk. This killer comedy line has come back to bite me in the arse. The arse bite happened at […]
Birthday Blog – Hi, Great To Be Back!
Usually I hide when it is my birthday and don’t tell anyone. Last year I hid under the big tree in our friends garden in a little village in Poland. I am motivated to write this because the journey from that tree to my birthday this year has been important. (Well important for me anyway). […]
What is Bernie’s Superpower? Answer here and save the world…..
Now I would not normally ask this….. but…. “What am I good at and how does it add value to you?” You can answer here (2 mins max!) Fear not this is not some wanky ploy where I will attempt to design a product and attempt sell it back to you in two weeks. Nor am […]
#FindBritain I found Britain in Argentina
#FindBritain – what got me into this when I married Super Cool Wife five years ago. People from Argentina are SO proud of their food – really it is just meat, red wine with the occasional bit of salad. When they asked what do you eat in the UK….. um… At the time I was […]
When Bernie chopped his finger off…
(I posted this before a Be2camp event I hosted in July 2010) I had explained it 60 times already by 10 am Tuesday so I thought I would put a quick blog together on the sling and the finger before today’s event.Monday evening I was at a mates place and leant back in my wooden patio chair […]
Green with envy…
Innocent bystander suggested an examination of the emotion of envy as a clear route to goal setting. I was slightly suspicious of this suggestion at first and realised that my well trained Catholic guilt (there is an Albatross to ones development if ever there was one) automatically dissuaded me from an constructive entertainment of this ‘sin’ […]