Somewhere earlier in this blog, I wrote about 12 Weeks being agony and often this makes me think what was happening before. Life has never been so good. Hang on, stick with me. You won’t need a sick bucket for this bit. It is just not so manic now. ‘Manic’ is a word used out […]
What do you most know about #blogging Bernie?
What do you most know about blogging Bernie? Is a question I am never asked. If I was an industry expert and was ‘often’ asked that question I’d be able to start this blog by saying ‘I am often asked by my clients…’ I have to say by this stage of the game it is […]
#wewillgather at Nesta
There I was again in a room with Lloyd Davis and a good idea being brought into action. The notion of #wewillgather started last year in the London Riots when Sophie posted a tweet about cleaning up. She went to bed and woke up to find people coming together to clean up. Silly things called […]
Maja – London European @Meetup #MOGLDN
Download now or watch on posterous Maja.MP4 (39636 KB) London Meet Up Organisers Group Meets on the 2nd Monday of every month Click here for details.