So, reader, last week moved at 100 miles an hour. European Freelancers Week hit 60 + online events including THE BIG one – Coworking and Coliving Conference (CCCSEE) which over 380 people turned up to watch. You can flick through the CCCSSE live stream here. We were also setting the up the launch campaign for my new […]
10 Ways Audio Can Change Your Life And Make You Smarter
I love the audio. All of my best ideas come from walking around and listening to audio. But it was not always like this. The humble combination of a cell phone, app and headphones turned my life around. It saved it and opened up a whole new universe for me. Feeling dumb, stupid […]
Death Camps and Doughnuts
I have a few doughnuts on my plate and there was one I was looking at with enthusiasm. Then someone took the jam out of it. Well, of course, they didn’t. I did. I tried something and it did not work and I am a little pissed off. However, the reason I am pissed off […]
TAGtribe Video Blog – @MalcolmLevene on the #RoyalWedding
#TAGtribe Blog – A quick word on efficiency…
SME 2.0 the monthly TAGtribe member event “Marketing – all of this and nothing” – 6th April 2011 RSVP here
#TAGtribe Blog – “You don’t wanna do that!” by @AnnHawkins
Experts are told to share their expertise, give it away freely, build a reputation and become the ‘go-to’ person for advice in their chosen field. And they do. There is a wealth of superb free advice on the Internet on practically every subject under the sun but for some reason the world of business seems […]
To Fix or Not To Fix – Soon Your Mortgage Decision Will Be Made For You by Ed Sayers
It’s been widely reported that inflation has increased to 3.7% (CPI). Along with the increasing pressure for the Bank of England to increase the base rate from 0.5% this should have the 7 million variable rate mortgage borrowers reviewing their mortgages. Swap rates, which underpin fixed rate mortgages, have started to rise and mortgage rates […]
Late Show 2011 Blog – Are you soaring or boring? by @julie_hall #llbs
Last week, Bernie shared that he was tired of bland events about bland business issues with bland people selling bland global solutions. And I feel his pain. As we begin 2011 and the same old emails start hitting my inbox, I truly want to weep with boredom. Where is the interest, where is the new, […]
#TAGtribe Blog “From Media to Mediums? Human insights & lead scoring” by @RedIdea_
From Media to Mediums? Human insights and lead scoring. Recently Marketo, the global leader in Revenue Performance Management published ‘the definitive guide to lead scoring'(link) a free comprehensive 50 pages guide to lead scoring techniques. Lead scoring is a method in which you assign points to each client prospect. The higher is a client score, […]
Emma Thompson will not be at the Late Late Breakfast Show. However…..
This Week we are featuring a guest post from each of our Late Late Breakfast Show Speakers next up is Malcolm Levene! The first time I met Emma Thompson I was running my retail fashion business. Emma T. was everything you might imagine, especially if you are a fan, like me. And although she was attired in very ordinary clothes, […]
What we need, want and would like by Daniel Esparraguera
As a Counsellor I am interested in how people form relationships. In my consulting room I work on a one to one basis to form a relationship to explore the possibility of change. I’m not an advice giver in a therapeutic situation, more a freer of space to allow someone else the respect they […]
“Do you know why you want to use Social Media?” #LLBS #TAGtribe
“Do you know why you want to use Social Media?” “I heard it was the next thing!” “Well we say a bit of old with new is what you should do, find the balance!” The panic of getting on social media is a waste of time; many people are running around town shouting things […]