How I got into coworking 2008 – 2020 – The Prequel So there I was thinking what on earth will I do in the next 90 Day Content Challenge? I’ll write about my last ten, maybe twelve years of coworking, a chapter every week – how hard can that be? I’ll write the intro in […]
Why You Need A New Mindset for 2021
How is your 2021 so far? I read the First rule of 2021 is not to dwell on what went wrong in 2020. I’m always up for reflection, journaling and review – but I’m finding bitching about 2020 is a full-time job for some people. I wrote a lot over December, but it was confusing […]
The simple life changing decision I accomplished this week
I decided to stop whining this week. I mean no one was listening, so I’m already saving time. Now I have all this spare time on my hands so I wrote down what to do in 2021, the next 12-Week Year is looming at the beginning of January, and I am mad for it! How […]
SEO Plugin Match-Off: Yoast vs Rank Math
I’ve been writing on and off for years, professionally and personally. The thing is, I haven’t got a clue about Search Engine Optimization when I started. Being a content writer and copywriter, SEO is one of the important skills that you need to master when you really want to let the World Wide Web know […]
All Markets Are Conversations. Unless You Are My Salesforce Account Manager.
Look I don’t mean to write ‘I don’t know how you can’ because I know how you can. But I don’t know how you can hope to gain anything by acting like this with people. Before I got to our company, someone who has now left signed us up for six seats on Salesforce, the […]
My “Mother Of All 12 Week Year Plans”
Look, I hate to sound sorry for myself amid all this good fortune, but it is a lot to take in. And I wonder Part of me does wonder what I need. When will I be satisfied? When I was depressed, and nothing seemed to be working, I have panic attacks, hate myself and walk […]
It Was The Best Of Times It Was The Worst Of Times
Holy snails balls Batman! I’ve only been at the Coworking space near my home for a week, and my whole mental energy has shifted. It is my ’15 minute city” dream come true. In the coworking community, we’ve been talking about shared workspaces in local towns; now everyone has a different outlook on the commute. […]
My Fear Of Letting Go And Escape Velocity
So I stalled out for a few weeks writing here. There has been a massive positive change in my life and work. BUT I feel like I’m balanced on the edge of a cliff. And I know that instead of falling, I’m going to jump off and fly, but I’m having fear of letting go. […]
How to write some words on your website
So there I was chatting with Carmen from Urban MBA who will be writing for our London Coworking Assembly Website. And she asked me, “How do you want me to write?” So I said, you need to write as yourself. Carmen asked, what do you mean? Can you send some examples? I did not have any, so […]
What Coworking And Collaboration Mean To Me
So I went for a walk with my son this morning. We had to get cash out the ATM and needed to do it before David Beckham came to give our boiler its annual service. David drives a gigantic Mercedes 4X4, and you can only pay him cash. Let’s go, to the end of our […]
What To Write On Your Website And Why You’re Stuck
What to write? So every week I have to come up with a new idea about what to write. And in the last few weeks, I’ve come up with ideas — non-stop. It is too many ideas, but now I know which ones to use. How to know what to write. So I know what […]
The Best Coworking Space Management Software: Nexudus vs Cobot vs OfficeRnD
Coworking is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. It offers all the social and productivity benefits of working from your own office, but without the stress, overheads and long contracts. Sign-me up! It’s been a couple of months since COVID entered our lives and changed them forever. And while many coworking spaces around the […]
Coworking or Co-working?
What’s in a name? Is the old adage by Shakespeare true that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”? Probably not. Words matter. They shape our perception of things, and in a day and age where Google can make or break a business or blog, the popularity of words and how they’re […]
How To Market A Coworking Space Right From Scratch
In the last few weeks, I’ve had a deep few conversations with people who are ‘picking my brains’, on marketing their coworking space. It seems like a lot of people are about to start a coworking space from scratch in the coming months. Then I ended up emailing them these answers. So in real “They […]
How To Build Trust With Your Website And Why You Need To Act Now
A whole new layer of trust is needed in business now. In this post, you’ll find out how you can use your website to build trust and develop a workflow. I’ll give you three places in your workday to find words to put on your website regularly, and other than your time it is free. […]