I was very lucky growing up, when I say growing up I mean between the age of 20 and 30. I spent a lot of time making risotto and it turned from a product to an art. I still have not perfected the art but I practice every chance I get.
There is hardly anything to risotto – rice, onions, garlic, wine, stock and salt ‘n’ pepper.
How hard it that? Very.
I was taught how to make this dish by Hugh, one of the best people I have ever worked with in my life, (we used to go mountain biking together until I got fat.)
Everything is simple, add slowly, keep turning the rice until it is creamy. The texture is creamy and this is only achieved by how you turn the rice and add the stock, before this you have to add the wine at exactly the right moment.
It is as simple of as difficult as that. My risotto obsession does cause issues at family gatherings, I like simple food, just not so simple you don’t have to do anything to it but put it in the microwave.
You can tell a lot about a place by how their risotto and espresso coffee are made.
These are simple and pure things that if made well really make a place.
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