"You become what you think about all the time"
I first read this quote when I was 13.
I was scared I was set to become a porn star who smoked Marlboro Red non-stop and ate Wham Bars.
In the end, the what I was actually thinking all day about was how to read and write.
I built myself
Only after I turned 25 was my super power revealed as dyslexia.
This fuels my lust for apps and gadgets, I have built myself an eco-system so I can research, read and write. I have tried so many combinations of tech, food, people, groups and coffee over the years.
How to listen to this.
I certainly don't want to sound like what I share here is THE ONLY thing you can do.
I'd love you to email me back and let me know what you do for apps and food – it would help me help other people.
The tool you use does not matter either, talking endlessly about Trello vs Basecamp vs Asana or Outlook vs Google Apps vs Apple Mail is an ever eluding horizon. What you actually get done matters more, it has taken me a long time to work this out myself BTW!
(I am a total Google Apps and Trello fanboy – who learns by listening podcasts and audio books and I "read" web pages and blogs with Voice Dream reader.
These are three things that have got me out the dumps and into being more consistently happier and balanced.
1. 750 Words – 25 mins a day.
Every day I write 750 Words, the long-term impact keeps getting bigger and better.
We all write daily, even if we don't call it writing.
For example, I know the people I have consistently been in contact with over the last five years ALL have an email and a profile on four major social networks.
They WRITE on these networks!
2. Meditation – 20 mins a day.
I kicked off my meditation career after a few false starts with a five-week course at Echo, with some of my 90 Mainyard desk mates.
What is meditation?
Sitting still and doing nothing for 20 mins every day – it calms your mind, gives you space and I have certainly learnt to appreciate life in a more simple way.
3. Not Eating Shit Food – 3 times a day!
This is where I get a bit nuts.
For the last 18 months, I have become increasingly picky about what I eat. I quit sugar, bread, gluten, processed food, caffeine, alcohol, most fruit, dairy, cheese.
Since then my physical well being has turned around. I feel significantly better, less tired and have not been "proper ill" for over two years.
Mentally, I still get stressed but I don't get anxious or have meltdowns, what has really clicked it how my anger and frustration levels have dropped. I know you think I'm nice, in reality, I have spent my life having mood swings – not enough to warrant medical help or think something was up – I just thought that was how I was.
Email me back and let me know what you eat, use to organise yourself and anything else that works.
I am super interested in how people live and work!
Links Worthy Of Your Attention
This monster post on work by our mate Alex will get your head hurting about how, why and where we work. Every week, every where I am ranting about coworking and community. This post is is aligned with my stance on "the dangers of being too cool for your own good" – let me know what you thnk!
"Pictures or videos of cute kittens, fluffy dogs, owls, furry things, of ice cream and food will get more likes, shares, RT's and coverage on the social channels than say world poverty"
By Phil from @work Hubs
Productivity and Diet
Do you really want to punch people that rant about diets? Me too.
I have been following these guidelines for this diet and drinking Bulletproof Coffee every day. It has really worked for me over the last 18 months.
This is not a 'quick fix' it is a 'don't eat shit food' diet.
This app got me back onto iOS after a few months. I zoom through 15 blogs, articles and ebooks a day with this. ON MY PHONE. I am dyslexic and find it super hard to read and stay concentrated.
This is one of the very few things that really has "changed my life"
Eating healthy is awesome. It’s not only great for you, in makes you feel great once you get into the routine. Even then, we occasionally slip. Or more likely, allow ourselves a “cheat”…
Long ago I became "Ted talk-ed out" – this list has got me to take action. Nils and I have "walking meetings" around the Olympic Park by 90 Mainyard and Jason Fried is spot on about work.
Events You Need To Be At!
This week Mike from New Media Europe got 36 of us to join him on an hour by hour non-stop podcast. YES a 36 hour podcast!
It was mega special to be part of this, because it REALLY brought the community together even more. I had underestimated the fun of listening to 35 other fellow podcasters.
This event at WeWork in Moorgate is for those people caught between the space of 'coworking' and 'selling office space.'
So they are not tree hugging coworkers (like me) and they are not faceless Regus people in crap suits! I am running a workshop here!