How can your coworking space change the world?
So today’s question is, who are you inviting to your coworking space?
There’s a big difference between an invitation and an announcement.
An announcement is when you say:
“Hi, my coworking space is open!”
And you send that with the intention of thinking, everybody’s welcome!
But then when you give people an invitation like:
“Would you like to come to my coworking space?”
“I want you to come to my event!”
“We’re having a European Coworking Day meet-up! You must join us!”
Extending an invitation becomes personal and opens the pathway for connection, meaning and change.
That is when the art of hospitality starts to kick in because you’ve invited someone into your space and made them feel welcome.
You have to put more effort than we think into making people feel welcome when we run a space where we want people who don’t look like us to come in.
And a little bit every day is how we build better things.
It is a little extra effort, but it is world-changing over time.