And we’re back in the room
It only seems ten minutes since I was last here armed with a keyboard and a stream of not very much to say, I have got the bug again for blogging like demon and it came from a combination of things.
1. I have been posting my Instagram photos into my Day One Journal with an IFTTT recipe, so when I drift in there to write something I am met with a photo and off I go. The ‘I am sitting down to create’ thing has never, ever, ever, ever worked for me. What does work is standing on a train, hanging from a rafter in a barn, having my finger sewn back on and day dreaming while I wash-up.
2. I noticed that my ‘ability’ to read and write has gone through the roof since I started sending my email newsletter every Sunday instead of ‘maybe’ every two weeks. You can imagine my surprise when doing something consistent started to get a response from people.
So publishing more can only be a good thing, I am not trying to be a newspaper or media guru so as my mate Rich says, screw it, let’s do it.
3. A few days ago my podcasting and trouble making mate Christina posted this blog declaring that she was kicking her own butt on her own blog and posting every day for 30 days. I sent her a message asking if can I join in too and we were two. I went to sleep for 48 hours and then we’d grown to five, Erin, Jessica and Nils had joined – this is starting to feel like the ice bucket challenge.
4. Blogging and writing are so easy for me I am a knob for not doing them more often – I mean like every day often.
5. Unfortunately for me pissing about before hitting publish, getting sucked into my vortex of self-doubt, procrastination, waiting for the planets to align and washing up one more time to have a better idea are even easier for me than writing and blogging is so there is my issue.
6. I really despise ’30-Day blogging challenges’ – apart from Darren’s one of course. In the early days of twitter, I felt I was made to sit through too many lame arse “challenges” which were thinly veiled ‘traffic driving’ campaigns, often these shit blog posts were turned into a shit book “suddenly” at the end of the 30 days. I am all for repurposing content – please just do it elegantly.
7. I am zooming around Krakow in Poland with #Babybernie and #Supercoolwife – I love travelling with these two! I have always secretly wanted to be a travel blogger, and now I am. All the ‘blog ideas’ that come from the heart seem to happen when I am travelling somewhere with #Babybernie.
8. I am sure there was something else!