What is this about Bernie? So we are building the Coalescent Podcast Network, and I thought I’d write about how we are doing that as it is going to come with some joy and pain and a lot of the agony we will have I’m sure you will too. I get asked a lot of […]
My Coworking Moonshot (and the stars look very different today)
(Image Credit Raymond Carrillo Flickr) So What Is A Moonshot Bernie? A few weeks ago, my mate Cat Johnson (the other best coworking content advisor in the world) asked me what my Coworking Moonshot was. The trouble with Cat asking me a question is I need to think about the answer, saying ‘to help people’ […]
How Finding Your Voice Is My Why
I was standing by the bar in Soho theatre after our 2010 Social Media Week #techForGood event. ‘You need to find your WHY Bernie’, Julie says. Julie tells me about a new TED talk with over 200k views by Simon Sinek. Simon says we should start with ‘our WHY’. I ponder and […]
How I Failed At My Last 12 Week Goals
It is the last day of this round of 12 Week Year, and it has not gone at all to plan. The goals for this round were run 5 miles in 35 minutes, do 25 Pomodoro’s a week, and post to my website. I worked it all out and could not fail and then I […]
How To Make Your First Podcast Absolutely Rock!
Bernie, I want to start a podcast got any tips? I get asked every week about how to start a podcast, I’m not about to start a podcast production business but here is my take. At the end of this post is a list of websites and people I trust to teach you about podcasting, […]
How To Really Know What To Do As A Freelancer
These places are how I get my work done. Somewhere back in 2016, I made a firm choice to commit to only a few places, and this is how I really worked out what to do as a freelancer. I’d spend so much time looking at different blogs, videos and looking for the silver bullet. […]
My Seven Week Writing Experiment
My Little Writing Experiment So I’m always writing every day. But still have some odd aversion to hitting publish, and there is always an internal debate about what to post first. Then I massage my work and wonder if it is for this person or that person. Then I’ll go and read a […]
CTL ALT DEL – My 12 Week Year Reset
Where to begin? 2018 was the best year I have had for ages, but it was a year of reset, learning and working it out which was a new kind of pain for me. This blog is my way of kicking off my commitment to writing and sharing what I am working on and what […]
How To Build Trust With Your Coworking Space Website
How Much Money Are You Leaving On The Table? I see this a lot. And don’t worry it’s not just you and it’s not just the workspace industry. People dick around for ages looking for shortcuts, quick fixes and how ‘to get in front of as many people as possible.’ They hear how Richard Branson kicked […]
How To Kill Writer’s Block And Thrive
When you have to write a post, you’ll want to do everything but write that blog post. It is much easier to think about stuff than writing it. The main reason only a few people do well at blogging comes down to just a few people execute and post stuff. Everyone else licks blogging wounds, […]
How To Get Big Changes In Just 12 Weeks
Big Changes So I have been around a lot of change over the last few weeks, in those few weeks I have been looking for a way to deal with it all. Or instead, accept it and work out what to do with it, change happens all the time, and I’ve got better and working […]
Why You Need Other People As A Freelancer
My Head Never Stops, So I Have To To function each week I need to seek a balance of solitude and connection, so I need time to both calm my head and time to connect with peers. Too much time alone and I live in my head, too much time with peers and I end […]
How To Get Ultimate Productivity Flow With Zenkit and NotePlan
Productivity Flow with Zenkit and NotePlan I have tried so many combinations of apps, and the one that has worked the best is using Zenkit for project planning and NotePlan for daily to-dos and calendar. (You can get the desktop version of NotePlan as part of Settapp with access to over 50 other Mac Apps, no ads or […]
How To Develop An Epic Content Creation Process
At our weekly London Bloggers MeetUp, I keep getting asked how I write a blog post, and I never have an answer. I can’t bullshit my answer anymore. I realized that even after all this time I don’t have a system or process for writing a blog post. The same goes for building a podcast […]
How to Start a Killer Podcast
This is a sample intro paragraph and can be used to hook visitors into reading your article. You can change the appearance of this by editing the style sheet.