From Media to Mediums? Human insights and lead scoring.
Recently Marketo, the global leader in Revenue Performance Management published ‘the definitive guide to lead scoring'(link) a free comprehensive 50 pages guide to lead scoring techniques. Lead scoring is a method in which you assign points to each client prospect. The higher is a client score, the more they mirror the target market segment prospect that is actively subscribing to your services and buying your products. Reason what they should be the centre of your customer care strategy. Lead scoring entails the collection and analysis of both explicit and implicit information. The explicit details includes: statistical data, such as company size, industry, and job title; while implicit scores derives from monitoring the customer behaviours: for example clicks, keywords, web-site visits, downloads or e-mail services subscriptions. Once determined the scoring criteria and assigned the points to each client, you can determine your ideal target market and control their ‘scoring variations’ across time and goals. The scores allow you not only to pro actively respond to clients needs but also to prioritize the customers with higher ranking! At RedIdea we reckon that using the client ‘hit parade’ in combination with social media activity and customer survey ‘impressions’ lead to a valuable dialogue with the empowered-interactive audience book (Thanks Henry Jenkins!). A cross- over strategy that mixes ‘lead scoring’ and ‘human interpretation’ empower you to anticipate the audience feelings and responses. So the number of your ‘high- ranking’ customer will be more likely to grow rapidly. Do you want to fly high or score high? Red Idea is always here. @Redidea