I’m Blogging for Bernie, well TAGtribe.
Bernie’s been asking me for weeks to write a post for the TAGTribe blog. In fact I’m sure he’s asked every member to write a post. The strange thing is that very few of us actually have, which is surprising given everyone I have met through TAG has been a motivated, driven business owner / leader, looking to grow their business and make connections.Why then are we all passing up on the opportunity for some free publicity?
Perhaps it’s because many of us haven’t grasped the basics of blogging. Or perhaps we are all struggling to prioritise the time to write a post, or have yet to answer the question: what’s in it for me?
1. You can demonstrate your expertise and passion for the product / service you sell away from your own marketing
2. You can tell a story in words, pictures, video or even sound and animate your messaging
3. You can position yourself as an authority by writing in depth about your specialist subject area
4. You can encourage and foster interaction with your target audience through provocative content, or by asking for feedback
5. You can engage with your target audiences by generating conversation online through blog comments, or linking out to another influential blogger
6. You can demonstrate your relevance and show off your talents, whether that’s in accounting and HR services, or creating bespoke children’s clothing
I know all of this because I’m a blogger too. I have been blogging since 2006 – shameless plug, but you can read my marketing blog (http://www.klaxonmarketing.co.uk/) to get an idea of what I’m talking about.
Still don’t believe me? Why not watch this short clip of Tom Peters and Seth Godin.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=livzJTIWlmY?wmode=transparent] If Tom Peters thinks blogging is the single best marketing tool he’s ever known, I’m inclined to jump on board. Now I’m hoping by this point to have convinced you it’s time to put get your creative writing skills flowing by pulling a blog post together. If not, PLEASE leave me a comment below and tell me why. I’d love to know. One final statistic. The TAG Tribe blog gets some serious traffic, sometimes over 10,000 page views in a week. How would you like just a tiny fraction of that traffic to click on a link to your website and find out more about you and your business? So that’s it. If all of that hasn’t convinced you to blog, then why not simply Blog for Bernie?
About Andy