#FindBritain – what got me into this when I married Super Cool Wife five years ago.
People from Argentina are SO proud of their food – really it is just meat, red wine with the occasional bit of salad.
When they asked what do you eat in the UK….. um…
At the time I was ‘over-consumed’ with the UK – mainly because I read shit newspapers every day, watched shit TV and drank shit beer in shit pubs.
When I married into another culture it was not all plain sailing. However, my new found family and friends from other countries that I had met on summer camps, travels and so forth were really enthusiastic about Britain.
One of the things I loathed about my country was the food, plastic rubbish! When in Rome you can grab a slice of amazing pizza on the street, better than Pizza Express and Strada. Here? Well, try one of those places in Piccadilly Circus anytime #death. Twice in the last century I had food poisoning that was worse than the hangover I was skilfully working up to via Long Island Iced Teas and shots of Sambuca – both times were from one of those hot dog stands on Tottenham Court Road.
Rather than agree or get in one of those rubbish ‘Britain invented the World’ arguments – I took the stance that it can’t be THAT bad, after all everyone knows if you are looking for something you will find it. It seemed I only found evidence to support my view of sub standard cuisine in the UK. I started searching, locally.
This was in the era where Jamie Oliver was doing TV shows instead of TED talks, like Jamie (#essexboy) has evolved into a TED talker, I feel we have learnt about food again in a new way. For example I am writing this in a Leon restaurant in St. Pauls where they are playing ‘Last night a DJ saved my life’ after a ‘Super food salad’ and latte. The staff are chasing a pigeon round the restaurant, it is fun!
Have I found Britain?
Comments ALWAYS welcome