So every so often you (I mean me) end up between a rock and a hard place.
It’s the old chicken and egg scenario. You have an idea and it needs funding but you can’t prove the idea until you have the funding.
It is at this point people with no imagination go home.
Then the crazy and insane people stay around and find a way to make it work.
You can be it’s always going to be that way. Or you could be the one challenging the status quo. In this place it’s “the ones” challenging the status quo not “the one” – those ones are Jonothan and Elena have worked out tech workflow, the ‘other Jon’ from Moondog has made all the jingles and I have been navel gazing while they have been ready to go. Sorry.
We have been trying to find a way to find time to work on OuiShare Radio. This is the pod cast project we seem to have been working on nearly a year. And hands up some of it – okay a big huge ugly of chunk of it – is me procrastinating, being full of fear, waiting for the planets to align and the right microphone to show up.
OuiShare Fest – Turn it up to eleven
Of course none of this is necessary because the content is amazing.
OuiShare Radio a radio it’s not a “how to” or “look at me” show – it is an “essential ingredient” show to connect the collaborative economy. The content is provided by the actors in the OuiShare community and from the OuiShare Fest.
By content I mean the stories of collaboration and invention that span Europe Latin America and an ever increasing reach to every corner of the world. As you walk around OuiShare Fest you glide by the people with TED talks, The sharing economy start-ups, the guy in the suit from Airbnb, food projects, the hackers, the makers, governments, city planners, the thinkers and the instigators they all have a story to tell and their stories need connecting to make the puzzle complete.
Mad Men and Rock Stars
I am the mad man who thinks the world can be connected by audio we all have a cell phone (well least in my street) and we can walk around listening to audio but we can’t walk around reading or watching video.
We can record audio on our phones and uploaded to the internet where it can reach Stitcher, Google Play, Spreaker, Sound Cloud iTunes and EVERY BLOG in the world.
This is not audio killing the Video Star this is democratising the way we connect ideas. Podcasting it’s not about being a rockstar in a helicopter who jumps out of hotel windows. Podcasting is about building a deep relationship with a hand full of people who are making their ideas happen. In the sharing economy world it is very easy to sit on event panels and say the word innovation all day it is another level of talent to be able to make an idea happen at ground level. As my mate Seth says
the easiest thing to do is to react second easiest thing is to respond but the hardest thing is to initiate. Seth Godin
So I am initiating to stop thinking that budget is the barrier to not shipping OuiShare Radio. I have no time no one around me has any time that we have something in the palm of our hand i.e. an iPhone / Zoom recorder that will connect a lot of people before during and after we OuiShare Fest.
As my mate Simon said:
Martin Luther King did not make it I have a plan speech or the when we get a little bit of funding speech he made it – I have a dream speech.
Sorry for navel gazing.
We’ve got work to do.