“What am I good at and how does it add value to you?”
You can answer here (2 mins max!)
Fear not this is not some wanky ploy where I will attempt to design a product and attempt sell it back to you in two weeks.
Nor am I asking you to stoke my ego. If I asked you to tell me what I am shit at it would take you ages – so I am doing you a favour.
Why I am asking this?
I am about to start a HUGE project with OuiShare and I want to be sure I am working on exactly the right part of the project. I’ll tell you about the project next time, I want to get your first reaction without any context.
There are things I ‘think I can do’ and then things that I am ‘amazing’ at.
I am so dumb I somehow avoid the things I am amazing at.
You can answer that by clicking here
Fine tuning
I have become violently interested playing to my strengths, mainly in order to do less work, also because I am sick of the anxiety that jumps on me in situations where halfway through I have realised I have said yes to something by mistake.
Don’t cry for me Argentina
Don’t feel sorry me. It is not anxiety like getting the shakes when performing open heart surgery or closing my eyes when landing a plane.
I LOVE the OuiShare work environment.
We are collectively always building an open, transparent “working out loud” type remote team, there are around 70 of us at the time of writing.
This will also help me in my other ‘slightly smaller team’ at Moon Dog – again a remote team.
Click here to answer the two questions
(BTW – it is totally anonymous and of course you can be funny if you want to)
Thanks for your help! 😉