Ok, I am about to enter week seven of my 12 Week Year and the needle is certainly moving more and more each week.
Think about it how many books and programs have you bought and ready that have actually given you results?
In the opening paragraph, the author outright promises that results are available in a very short space of time, which immediately got my ‘self-development bollox’ radar on red alert.
Of course, it is not one book, it is everything diet, family, coworking space and just growing up.
Where I went wrong this week.
– Not planning the week properly (and I paid the price at the end.)
– I slacked off meditating in the morning and lost the delicious clarity I get with this practice.
– ‘Working’ at night and pissing about with my phone in the evening.
– I ate sugar to feel better and, well feel shit.
Even with this I kept going and made more podcasts, blogs, sold more Trello course places and sent more UpWork proposals than last week.
Where I have found the most time.
You may recall I said I was not going to share goals what was coming up. This has saved me HOURS of listening to my own bollox, and I am sure other people are delighted to be spared my ill thought out whining.
Every week I sit down to write this email and the first thing I want to tell you is ‘my goal this week is to sell 10 sailing boats and write 100 blogs.’
All that ‘I’m going to dreaming’ energy has gone into execution and working out where I am falling short.
App For That
Hence the recommendation of the writing app below, for a load of technical reasons this has helped me sort out the app wanking I was doing everywhere else.
It is built by someone who is a writer as a side project so really works, I mention this as the place I was losing the most traction and focus was actually writing and sending it somewhere.
The speed and enthusiasm that I write with means two strong posts a day are easy for me.
What has not been easy is checking and proofreading and organising the results of my research.
One last thing…
Every Thursday 09:30am – 11:30am we have our ‘Write Club’ here @Work Hubs in Euston.
Come and geek out, if you a pro or just want to try and get a blog post onto your site more often this is a great place to hang out and I’d love to welcome you.
Have a GREAT week and thanks for reading!
Love Bernie!
P.P.S. – Don’t you hate people who have a photo with someone big and then use it every chance they get?
Self Awareness
Straight Outta @Work Hubs Episode #37 – Debbie Huxton
We are now 37 episodes into our Coworking podcast and we have had to get a little help in.
Well, include other people, as Phil and I have fought our way out of depression, mid-life crisis and avocado overload Debbie has been there to kick us in the shins.
In this episode, we laugh our socks off AND dive into self-awareness and how it can save us from ourselves.
Free Writing App
Draft. Write Better.
Write better with Draft. Easy version control and collaboration to improve your writing.
It also has a transcript mode, sync with Google Docs, publish to WordPress, iDonethis, tumblr, it also has ‘Hemingway mode’ and has a smooth clean look and feel.
I have been in and out of it since 2012 and it has never been so good!
Try it and let me know what you think.
The Actionable Article
What Is a Content Marketer?
A content marketer is responsible for the planning, creating, and sharing of valuable content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content the content marketer shares depends upon what he sells. In other words, he educates people so that they know, like, and trust him enough to do business with him.
You’ll Love This Podcast
Simon Sinek On Leadership With Mitch Joel
Welcome to episode #492 of Six Pixels Of Separation.
Simon Sinek created something much bigger than a splash when his TEDx Talk in 2009, How Great Leaders Inspire Action, garnered over twenty-five million views (and continues to grow). Around this time first business book, Start With Why, took hold and more recently, he published his second book, Leaders Eat Last. He’s an optimist. He believes that business leaders can (and should) do more to make our world a better place. This is his mission, and he’s working diligently to get all leaders to think about purpose… or their “why.”
Enjoy the conversation…
Limited Offer Trello Course Signup
Everybody around you seems to be using Trello. You want to become more productive and stop missing important tasks.
To be honest, though, you still can’t really see what all the fuss is about. Isn’t Trello just a list of lists? How is something so simple supposed to help you get organised?
Won’t you and your team stop using Trello after the initial excitement has died down?
How much faster could you become more productive if you could watch someone else use Trello to great effect?
Many individuals, teams, and companies use Trello day in day out to organise their projects.
We have seen time and time again that making even small changes to your Trello setup can significantly change your habits for the better.