I know there might be bigger, faster, stronger and more hip stuff going on, but for me this is where the fun is.
I have seen these guys start, grow, fall over, get back up and – unlike many Start-Up founders – they LISTEN.
1. The Food Assembly – Supported OuishareFest in France and they opened here at 90 Mainyard in the canal side restaurant in our coworking space, they connect food producers with customers and organise a weekly event to pick up your order and meet the people that make your food.
2. Grub Club – is what people like me who would LOVE to own a restaurant but can’t stomach the stress have been waiting for. I LOVE Olivia’s intention and energy, they are waiting to close their next funding round and then they’ll be really cooking on gas!
3. Nimble – I have been a huge believer in this groovy CRM since November 2011 after I realised I had bitten off more than I could chew with Salesforce. The founder Jon is the Godfather of CRM after starting Goldmine in the late 80’s – (I am testing the LONG awaited iphone App now – I LOVE it more than ever.)
4. Loomio – I have followed for nearly a year now and we have just started using it. This is a true ‘people buy why you do it not what you do’ app – for me it eliminates the need for bull shit meetings* and enables ‘decisions’ to move projects forward.
5. Publicate – is the app that enabled me to embed the links below – Chris has worked really hard in the last two years to get feedback (he asks very smart questions) this is the latest version of his idea and I am very very very very sure he has cracked it this time.